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The housing market in Wisconsin is bonkers right now. No, seriously, it’s bonkers. We are seeing houses that sold in fall of last year going for 200% what they sold for just 9 months ago. We found a house that sold three months ago now back on the market, no changes, no improvements, asking 45% more — can you imagine making an investment with a 45% return that is legal?

And the worst part is that the asking price? In a regular real estate market, most of the time the asking price is the top price — meaning they’re starting out with a number that they would LOVE to see. It’s optimistic. However, right now? The asking price is the opening bid — and houses that go on the market on a Friday have an announcement that you need to get your best offer in because they’ll be making a decision on Tuesday and there are no second chances.

We’ve now been outbid on four different houses in rapid succession. Each one we offered asking price plus closing costs. Each one had several competing offers and ours was typically the lowest, often by more than 10%. Each time has been an excruciating mental exercise that falls flat on its face.

The chagrin is that we know this is a real estate bubble — we KNOW that it’s going to pop, so all of those houses are going to be rapidly deflating back to their more usual Green Bay pricing. A friend who works in the industry said that all of his clients corporations were freeing up cash reserves, preparing to make a killing when the bottom falls out in the third and fourth quarter. Another friend’s financial advisor told her to rent something for a few months, or even house sit, until the market flips, because it will, and it will be legendary.

All of these realities are intellectual — we know there’s nothing we can do, and we know that, as expensive as it is to live in Las Vegas, it is financially smarter than paying even ten grand more for a house than had we waited just a bit longer. And the numbers we’re crunching — it’s not just ten grand. More like a hundred grand.

As with all things, your bank account rarely shouts louder than your heart. Knowing we’ve been able to GTFO really since April when it became clear that I no longer physically had to be in Vegas? It hurts. It stings. It’s like a scorpion zap to the brain. And of course, with the pandemic, it’s not even like we can ENJOY what Vegas has to offer. There are no seafood towers at Bouchon. There are no fun ethnic markets to explore. There are no weird little desert towns to check out on the weekends. There is just the inside of this house and our tiny postage stamp back patio and bit of gravel that subs in for a yard.

And the worst part? Everyone wants us to move back to Wisconsin. “This is why you need to move back to Wisconsin,” they say, and point out whatever reason that Vegas is a human hellscape. Text messages. Marco Polos. Emails. Chats. Facebook messages. My mother’s annual phone call for my birthday started with “Happy birthday! When are you moving back?”

Friends, we know. WE KNOW.

And it feels like I’m constantly rebuffing friendly helpful suggestions, but the truth is, we’ve thought of them already. Yes, we’ve looked at houses thirty miles away — it’s the same problem. Yes, we’ve looked into buying a house “for now” and selling it later or becoming a landlord in the future — it’s still the same problem of overpriced housing on a smaller scale. Yes, we’ve looked into renting a house for now. Not only are there very few places available right now (because landlords are seeing the market on fire and are putting their investment properties ON THE MARKET) but what’s left are shithole houses that aren’t what we need or even can live with, and again it comes down to making a stupid spend with our cash — for instance, most don’t allow pets, or only allow cats or only two pets. Well, we have three pets, and for those who allow three pets, those landlords are currently asking a $2K “fee” for pets (no, not a deposit, a FEE to have your pet walk through the door, regardless of whether they shed or anything else) plus additional rent on top of that, none of which you ever get back. Yes, we’ve looked into buying vacation property and living with it for now (that was the house on the riverfront that we got outbid on) then using it as a second home later. Anything you can suggest, we have thought about it, done the mental labor and research, and it doesn’t work. IT DOESN’T WORK.

I know that these suggestions come from a good place of trying to help — please understand that I have explored EVERYTHING. You know me, right? You know that if there’s an obstacle, I’ve already come up with like seventeen potential strategies to get around that obstacle? Trust me when I say, we literally have explored every option. We’re smart people. We’re clever. We aren’t afraid to throw money at a problem if the probably is worth the cost of admission. And this problem is absolutely making us both physically sick. Making jokes about this move or prodding us to work faster is not funny. It’s honestly really stressful.

The expectation is that it’s not happening until the end of the year. So unless you know of a secret midcentury modern house that isn’t going on the MLS and a sweet original owner just wants it to go to a nice couple who won’t cut down the acres of hundred year old oaks and maples, please ask me about anything other than when we’re moving back. But when we know, you’ll be the first to know, I promise. I promise.

I started teaching a remote section last week — it’s kind of nice because my name was put on the section kind of late, for complicated academia reasons, and as such, the class is only at about 80%, which doesn’t seem like a huge underfill, but every class I’ve taught in the last three years has been full to the brim, with students begging to get in above enrollment caps. In fact, I typically have one unofficial auditor in the wings too.

I’ve been recording video lectures for them and putting together a lot of recordings for them to download and listen to while driving to work, exercising, folding laundry or whatever. I have no idea if it’s valuable to them, because they never talk to me or react other than doing their assignments. Hopefully that will change this week, as I recorded this week’s lecture and, while encouraging them to not do a research paper on a serious, scholarly subject but rather do something that is nerdy and fun to argue, I revealed something I’ve never shared publiclly.

Here’s the thing: English 102 research papers barely count for anything. It’s teaching you how to write a research paper, how to build and support an argument and how to do citations using academic genre and rhetoric conventions. It can be kind of dry stuff. But sure, you could write about something super impressive-sounding and try to cure the ills of the planet — like tackling income inequality or pollution, but hey, you think you can do that in under 5000 words? BE MY GUEST. I’d wager that you can’t, though, and that will weaken the paper. So, fine, maybe you narrow it down — maybe you look at the income disparity between the CEO of a specific hotel chain and its janitorial staff. Maybe you argue a way to reduce garbage on a college campus through installing hydration stations and eliminating plastic water bottles. Cool. Cool. Also, zzzzzzzzzz boring.

I mean, if you’re going to spend your entire rest of your college career writing that serious stuff, why not write something fun in this class that only matters because it’s teaching you the form? Why not argue that Ross and Rachael really weren’t on a break? Why not build the case that Tony Soprano didn’t die in the series finale? What about an entire paper about how Rose was underserved and misrepresented in the most recent Star Wars saga? Or prove that food that is cut in triangles tastes better than food cut into squares? Or that cats are the best pet? SOMETHING ELSE! SOMETHING FUN!

Also, even at 80% capacity, I don’t think I have it in me to slog through 20 papers about whether face masks are effective barriers against COVID-19.

So in the course of my adlib lecture, I talked about how my own major is English with an emphasis in American literature after 1950 and narratology, but I also really like real estate. And I like local history. And I also really like true crime as it relates to that local history. So if I were to spend four weeks researching that, it wouldn’t even be a chore. In fact, I revealed, I have done exactly that — and have spent hundreds of hours building a murder map of Green Bay, detailing the location, year and homicide details of every murder I can find, going back to the city’s first documented murder in 1871 (which incidentally happened on the very block where I used to live during my senior year in high school, when I met Esteban).

My murder map secret is out. Here you go. Enjoy.

fotiaoqiang 官网

Today, I suffered through Ricky Gervais as a guest DJ on the David Bowie dedicated radio station on Sirius XM. As he spoke, I realized that he reminded me of a coworker, who was a bit of an asshole — and that made sense because Ricky Gervais is a terrific mean person. In fact, I’d argue that he’s downright cruel. But before I ever knew that about him, I instantly disliked him. And the only reason I could give is “there’s just something about him.”

Psychologist Paul Ekman has done a lifetime of research in recognizing and reading microexpressions and how they can be, quite honestly, super false based on many known and unknown underlying biases. Malcolm Gladwell famously wrote an entire giant book about the “thin-slicing” or “thinking without thinking” we do instantly, that then inspired its own critical response book by Michael LeGault that urged people to not give in to “magical thinking” and abandon critical reasoning skills.

斗鱼tv直播三大卖肉女主播斗鱼三骚大尺度照被扒 ...-东北网:2021-1-22 · 导读:【斗鱼tv直播三大卖肉女主播斗鱼三骚大尺度照被扒】现在斗鱼tv的人气已经慢慢地不如伍前了,曾经伍卖肉看球为买点的直播平台,其市场 ...

Here’s the thing — my brain gets in the way so often. I want to believe in the genuine good hearts of people. So I talk myself out of my instant immediate dislike — maybe a good friend whose judgment I trust has known them forever. Maybe they are insanely good at something they do and I love whatever it is they do, so I let my love of their work override my internal barometer. Maybe there’s just not a good reason to dislike them — they’ve never done anything mean to me, for instance, or anyone I knew. Or they have done the opposite — been extremely kind and thoughtful and generous to me, which causes me to seriously doubt my instant read. Basically, these people have their own instincts of self-preservation and adopt based on my own reinforcement or lack thereof and then it’s just a bake off to find out who is better at faking the other one out.

And this is not to say that I’m not friends with assholes — some of my favorite people in this world are actually terrific stinky assholes! There’s a difference, though, between the asshole who is open about their gaping anus qualities, and the asshole who wants a kiss on the lips except really it’s a rim job.

Esteban is always telling me that I am too harsh on people, which is really funny to me because if anything, I feel like I’m an overeager puppy when I meet someone I like. And when I like someone? They are under my umbrella of protection — I will stick up for them probably far more than I reasonably should.

I think back to at least five of the last major assholes I’ve met — people who have raised my blood pressure with how terrible they were. These are people I talked myself out of my usual reticence. People who actually made me feel guilty about being so stand-offish and then I actually leaned in to be extra generous, open and supportive to them. Each one of them ended up revealing themselves to be a massive viper and each showed their colors the moment that they weren’t getting what they wanted or needed out of me anymore.

The asshole modus operandi seems to be this inclusive act — “Oh, I’m only like this with OTHER people, never with you, you’re in on the joke, aren’t we wicked” kind of schtick. I fall for it every time — even though I know better. I KNOW better! I’ve heard some of these people say truly terrible awful things in my confidence and when I call them on it, they always say the same thing “Oh, it’s just a joke! I’m only kidding.” But they aren’t kidding. They are never kidding. And by the time I hear this most obvious tell, I’ve usually already ignored about 800 other signs to GTFO.

And I shouldn’t be surprised that I’ve picked up this telepathy skill. Throughout my entire life I’ve been bullied and targeted and the victim of supreme righteous assholes. I’ve learned to detect them, my soul acting as a dowsing rod for cruelty. It knows. It always knows.

And Ricky Gervais? Definitely not a good person. I don’t care how much he gives to charity or how he cares for his aging pets or any number of kind things he has done for orphans or refugees or old women who needed to be helped across the street. And if you like him? Cool. I’m glad he has some fans. I don’t wish him ill, really — there’s just, as they say, something about him.

fotiaoqiang 官网

Saturday was the day I was supposed to get hooded.

(That’s a weird verb, right? Hooded? It sounds very violent or maybe racist, but really it’s the thing they do for PhDs — I guess it’s very Merlin-y? )

Our original plans were to have family in from out of town — a thing that I have been planning and plotting with my sister for literally years now. The entire thing was overwrought — I didn’t want a million people staying with us and also my family — as does everyone’s family — generally brings a lot of nonphysical baggage. I am still carrying some bitterness that my mother couldn’t be arsed to come to my graduation ceremony when I got my masters, and that was only two hours away, so I was flummoxed by a series of vertical emotional peaks and valleys about the new parameters of what excuses or requirements she would maintain for my graduation when it was 1800 miles away.

When I got into the program originally — a pretty big deal to get a full ride scholarship and job in a PhD program — she blew it off and purposefully kept saying “moving to Arizona or wherever” and then when we put the house on the market, she announced that I was not really serious, and then when we gave away our living room furniture a week before we left, she said “So you’re still going to move?” and then the night before the moving truck arrived she said with a straight face “I thought you were just making this all up to get attention.” Dear Reader, you may remember that this was also the line when I got accepted and funding to go to college in the first place as an 18-year-old, except that time my entire family believed her.

家中看“黄片”是否违法?-中国法院网 - · 【案情】2021年8月,刘某在家中电脑上观看“黄片”, 三名民警突然造访,称其违反《计算机信息网络国际互联网安全保护管理办法》第五条第六项和第二十条,对其罚款1000元。

I challenged her on it, without seeming to react, by saying “Oh? Why did you think that?” but inside I was thinking “Oh here we fucking go.” And that has been a good mantra for dealing with a family member with a serious personality disorder — oh here we fucking go. The flipside to the negging is that somehow she seemed to think that we would be flying her out for my graduation — apparently if I had wanted an audience with her for my last graduation, I should have booked a limo to make it interesting for her. Or maybe she thinks that “fully funded” means that I have been granted an AmEx black card for the interim. She kept talking about how she “gets” to go to Las Vegas now, but of course, nothing about how that was going to happen. And for normal people, the assumption is that she would pull out her savings and book a ticket, but that’s not how she works — and my sister began managing her (my sister performs the lion’s share of Mother Maintenance, because she is the Golden Child, whereas I am the Scapegoat or Competition in recovery parlance) and making plans, reminding her that she needed to save money for tickets for her, her partner and maybe my brother if he planned on going. Then she agreed to pay for our mom’s hotel room — because it wouldn’t matter if her partner and my brother went along, they could all share a hotel room. Then when it got closer, she was going to pay for her flight too, but not the partner and our brother’s flights, and then apparently our mother started in on how it wasn’t fair to them that she “got to go” and they didn’t and how she wanted to “find a way” for them to go along too, and the entire thing was handled off stage expertly by my sister because honestly, I was so stressed in the first part of the year for my comps and my dissertation that I just couldn’t take part in the drama and the exasperation, other than to occasionally offer my sister pre-packed retorts and arguments to pop our mother’s various dependencies about how and why and when our mother would allow herself to be hosted, with the inclusion of her flying monkeys other family members.

(Heh. Lawyered.)

男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · VPN普遍存在于我伊日常的生活、工作中,用户众多。但翻墙软件(VPN)一直伍来游走于灰色地带,并未获得电信主管部门批准,2021年工信部明确规定,未经电信主管部门批准,不得自行建立或租用VPN,VPN被正式列入监管范围。

So instead, on Saturday, Esteban and I hung out at home (because that’s what everyone has to do to stay safe now, nothing new to see, move along move along.) Since we wanted to do something a little special, we smoked a brisket in the backyard, and Esteban also opened the day with homemade biscuits and turkey sausage gravy (which is one of my favorite things — his biscuits are ridonk delicious). He continued the feast day with flourless brownies, two loaves of bread, and the mother of all big deals, Colicchio’s Parker House rolls, which are one of my favorite indulgent baked items. Esteban is loathe to make them because they don’t have a satisfying rise, make an incredibly stingy amount and are super fussy, taking a terribly long time to come together, but they are weirdly sour, ultra fine crumb and perfection both out of the oven and the next day slathered with some peanut butter and I love them to bits.

We spent the day tending the grill and then finally ate around 8 pm because the brisket took a month of Sundays to cook. I had offered my friend Amanda some brisket but warned her that it would be late, but she dutifully drove across town to do a cover-of-darkness social distancing pickup of a huge pile of brisket, a fresh loaf of bread and some homemade sauerkraut to boot. She reported that she and her husband ate far more brisket than they should have before bed and regretted nothing. Girl, same.

On Sunday, Esteban and I continued our habit of doing the NYTimes Sunday Crossword Puzzle together on the sofa while drinking coffee, although I think my anxiety started ramping up and I needed to get away from it for a while. He had his distance D&D and I started packing a few things to burn off some nervous energy. It was exceptionally hot on Sunday, so I couldn’t take the dogs outside from long stretches, which is usually my favorite thing to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed, so instead, I glowered and did a series of mounting doom scenarios, which as it turns out doesn’t work great as a stress management technique.

The other element of Sunday is that an agent sent a response to my full manuscript. While she did not yet extend an offer of representation, the feedback was exhaustive and thoughtful and she said she enjoyed it but also that a novel about a pandemic is going to be a tough proposition right now for obvious reasons. Ugh. A bit disheartening on top of a dismal offering of houses on the market in Wisconsin and the bait and switch of what should have been a huge celebration weekend coming to a wet fizzle and plop.

工信部回应国庆期间加强VPN管控:合法使用受法律保护 ...:2021-9-20 · 新京报快讯(记者 许雯)针对VPN使用问题,工信部新闻发言人闻库今日(9月20日)在国新办发布会上表示,外贸伋业、跨国公司因自己办公的需要 ...

This week Esteban was supposed to be in China but of course, that didn’t happen, so the Chinese company hosting the event decided to have an online affair instead. Great! Except all the events are happening in the wee dark hours of the morning — and apparently the company spends a lot of time barely hiding its anger at the U.S. government (to be fair, there are more than just Americans on these calls, but still, read the room) so Esteban has been managing his artificial jet lag while also dealing with his normal job demands that don’t stop just because he has an event. All in all, he can’t really complain because, as he said, he’d do this every time if it meant that he didn’t have to fly to China and back.

Today, I had a WebEx call with the few TAs who have been invited to teach sections this summer. I’m glad I asked for a section since my Big Tech Giant project seems to have ghosted and this is the only guaranteed income I have lined up for the time being. It was nice to see the faces of people from school.

It was even nice to see the annoying ones.

vpn下Who was the most annoying coworker you’ve had to deal with? What made them so annoying?

fotiaoqiang 官网


Sometime two days ago, my lips started feeling weird.

They do that sometimes. Typically if I’ve eaten something I’m allergic to, but also if I put something on my face that causes a reaction.

I know I haven’t accidentally eaten something I’m allergic to because I haven’t left the house in two weeks. Which leaves the small tube of Kate Sommerville sunscreen/lotion that I applied two mornings ago as the culprit. It was one of those little tubs that you get as a sample — I’ve been trying to kill all of the bathroom clutter before buying new stuff to replace what I’m out of, which means that I’m venturing into unusual territory. I know I’m allergic to certain sunscreen ingredients, but for some reason I rationalized that Ms. Sommerville would have used barrier ingredients, even though it literally said Broad Spectrum right on it, which is code for “has both barrier and chemical sunscreen ingredients.” Unfortunately, because it was a sample size, the ingredients weren’t listed and I couldn’t be arsed to go into my office and Google it, so gooped away like an idiot.

I spent an entire day applying Blistex to my lips, but then the itching started to spread to my face. I knew I had a hive situation going on, so I popped a Benedryl and went to bed. The next morning, I couldn’t see out of one eye and my entire face was itching, plus it had spread to my torso. My histamines were clearly out of control.

I remembered that our insurance provider offers a video doctor service, so without even brushing my hair, I went to the computer and checked. One of the perks of living in the West Coast is that you can do stuff very early, so by 7 am, I had already gone through the paperwork and was talking to a doctor who spent an entire 3 minutes talking to me and then prescribing various ointments and pills and then signed off. Then I had to wait two hours for the pharmacy to open, which was probably the most annoying. I didn’t want to drink coffee, knowing that I was going to start prednisone as soon as I got my prescription in my itchy little hand, so I was mostly trying to mitigate my own shit monkey brain for two hours.

It turns out that when you’ve been spending the last two months trying to distract yourself from the awful state of All This, you have a tough time trying to find something distracting that you aren’t sick of doing.

Esteban and I headed out to the pharmacy and found it closed, but he wasn’t able to wait until it opened, so we went back, dropped him off at the house, and I went back to the pharmacy, intending to sit by the drive through until it opened. However, I knew I couldn’t take prednisone on an empty stomach, so I broke my quarantine rule and swung through a McDonald’s drive through for a vegetarian Egg McMuffin and a Diet Coke. While coffee and prednisone makes my stomach turn into a sour asshole of an organ, Diet Coke doesn’t seem to fight as much with prednisone. By the time I got through McDonald’s, there was a fairly long line at the pharmacy, so I sat there and sipped my DC, ate part of the McMuffin (which is gross overall but I ate enough so that my stomach wasn’t entirely empty and threw the rest out) and finally got everything. I didn’t want to deal with giving this new pharmacy our insurance stuff unless the cost was egregious. I figured that it would be $10. Wrong, it was $68, but I just paid it because I was too annoyed by everything to deal with putting my phone into the tube, sending it to the pharmacist, having to deal with the fact that they’d have to have my phone code to see the card, wait for them to run the insurance, etc. I consider this my $68 fee for being stupid about putting sunscreen of unknown provenance on my angel baby sensitive skin. I should know better, and yet I keep confirming otherwise.

Once I got home, I started feeling dull and groggy — either a mix of the meds, the fact that I barely slept all night due to the irritation and heat on my skin, or just the lack of my typical morning rocket fuel lattes. I was supposed to have a meeting for Tech Giant Project, and we also had made a plan for my hair stylist to drop off hair goop and Esteban was going to color my hair, but since I had so much skin irritation on my face, my scalp was undoubtedly also going to be sensitive. I begged off both appointments and rescheduled them.

Then, because everything happens at once, on Monday we had put an offer in on a house in Green Bay. The housing market there continues to be insane, with people scooping up houses the instant they drop on the market, and we knew that people had been walking in and out of that house all day on Monday. It wasn’t the perfect house but it ticked many boxes and was certainly a place we could be happy for now. I wrote a letter to the owners telling them how much we loved the house and why we were picking it.

The offer came back on Tuesday saying “we really want to sell you this house but there are other bids, can you come up significantly?” Our realtor said that it never happens like that, where the other team actually tells you exactly what you need to bid or even reaches out to someone who was too low when they had other better offers, so the letter was certainly the delta. Ultimately, we had offered slightly more than asking price already, and the asking price was well above property value, so we agreed that it was pushing too far out of our comfort zone in terms of what made sense as an investment. So in the midst of my antihistamine haze we let it go.

It feels a little conflicting — and I think much of that is because it’s an exit strategy within our grasp. So much of this ennui has been based in uncertainty. People keep asking what our plans are, when are we moving, when can they fly out to help, etc, and we know that they are doing so because of they care about us, but it’s stressful to come up with an answer. We don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know. It’s one of the least satisfying mantras there is.

I ordered moving boxes and supplies — apparently they have free shipping if you spend more than $50. The need to actually go to Uhaul and pick up boxes was one of the biggest things that was stressing me out, so I was relieved that I could just pick everything online and they’d take care of it all. Once I get my dissertation fully submitted through the various academic regulatory processes (you’d think it would be easy after the committee said you’re a doctor, but guess what, it’s a constant parade of formatting and form submissions after that), when I’m not working on this project for Tech Giant Blog, I’m going to focus on packing. We learned from the last move that we’re not the best without the military precision of Ward and June, so I’m going to attack this next step with a new mantra instead of “I don’t know”.

Now it will be “What Would June Do?”

fotiaoqiang 官网


This week is a momentous week in the cycle of the Bix Casita — switching from hot espresso drinks to cold coffee concentrate drinks. By rights we should have switched sooner, as the mercury has been creeping upward in the Vegas valley and we’ve already seen many days with highs in the 90s and it even hit 100 once, but we had made a substantial order of espresso beans when we bunkered down for the pandemic, and they are too oily to use for cold brew, so we’ve been just making hot coffee to use them up.

Once the last espresso shot had been pulled, Esteban made some of that Dalgona coffee that’s been a darling of the quarantine. He brought it to me proudly and I took one taste and absolutely died from the harshness. It looked gorgeous and the texture was amazing, but holy shit, so bitter. I tried another sip, working up my courage and nope. Nope. Nopetty nope. I hated to disappoint him, and he insisted that I go onto the internet and announce that I don’t actually like coffee — which I did, because honestly? There has never been any doubt of that fact.

But now it’s cold brew season and I couldn’t be happier. I love cold brew season so much — the cold extract is so much smoother and less bitter on my palate. I actually don’t like coffee very much, and in fact, most of my coffee situations are 95% Not Coffee and only a splash of actual coffee. Basically I like caffeinated milk shakes with a coffee aroma.

Our cold brew efforts are dead simple easy — here’s how we do it. Take a pound of coffee grounds, soak them at least 12 hours (we do this in the evening so that it’s ready for the morning), and then filter or drain them. That method creates a concentrated cold brew extraction (about the same ratio of an espresso shot) which you can then add water to for cold coffee, or you could create iced lattes by adding milk.

Folks in Louisiana have been doing their cold brew concentrate extractions in half gallon Mason jars for years, and you could do that too, doing the soak in a mason jar, and then affixing a cheap coffee filter with the Mason ring screw top, then let gravity do the draining.

If you don’t want to deal with that mess or just like a neater solution, there are plenty of commercial options available. We tried the Takeya pitcher first — it comes with its own filter and is absolutely the most elegant solution because when it’s done extracting, you just pull the coffee ground chamber out and it becomes its own vessel. However, it was imperfect — you can’t make new coffee while you’re also drinking coffee unless you decant it, which defeats the purpose. Also, we drink more coffee than this thing can make which meant we were constantly waiting for another extraction with zero coffee for our morning cups, so we went bigger and got a Filtron system. This was so great that when we lost the plug for the bottom during a move, we ended up buying a second system (and then only too late realized that you could buy replacement plugs), so now we have more production than we can possibly outdrink, as well as a second carafe.

We add chicory to the cold extraction because I really love the flavor of chicory in my cold brew. It just adds this extra something that is so fantastic, a depth of flavor that is absolutely delightful. We also reuse the grounds for a second round immediately after draining — refilling the water and letting it sit for 24 hours that time, and draining again for more concentrate.

We have a complete bar of coffee syrups to add to our morning blends — all sugar free, because that’s our business (TM Tabitha Brown) — that range from Almond Roca to Salted Caramel to White Chocolate to Peanut Butter. With cold brew, I tend to mix it with a caramel protein shake rather than milk because not only does it have fewer carbs than skim milk and serve as a filling and efficient replacement for breakfast, it tastes fecking delicious and hides all evidence of coffee from my persnickety tongue. However, I’ve also used flax, oat and coconut milks here as well. If I was feeling extra decadent, I top it with a little bit of creamer. I used to do fat free half and half, but then I discovered that Nut Pods creamer is so flipping delicious that I use that instead.

#bixquestions: What is your summer morning routine? How do you take your coffee? What is your morning deal breaker?

fotiaoqiang 官网

When I’m stressed, my lizard brain decides to cry. The problem is that it doesn’t inform the rest of my brain that it’s time to cry — my eyes just start leaking, big rollers falling down my cheeks like a soap opera star facing her thought-dead long lost lover.

I can be thinking about something totally benign, and I mean, really thinking about something else — playing a computer game, shopping for moving boxes, trying to figure out which agent to query next for my novel, my cerebral cortex fully engaged in doing whatever that thing is — and my face will be slowly leaking tears the entire time.

To be clear, I am not actively upset while this is going on. I’m often not even aware that I have tears rolling down my face, so it’s not like one of those throat goes tight, you’re trying not to think of it, voice trembling kind of things. It’s exactly like someone has grabbed your hand and said “why are you hitting yourself?” when you’re not, in fact, hitting yourself. This happened while Esteban was in the hospital exactly 免费Ⅴpn安卓. It’s almost like I can fool myself 99% of the way into not reacting to the ongoing horror around me, but that 1%? It’s in charge of the wet works and it is going to work overtime.

Last night, we ordered pizza take out. It’s one of my perennial comfort foods — thin crust mushroom and extra cheese — and I’ve been requesting it probably more than usual. We took a drive to pick it up and also as an excuse to get out of the house and break from the monotony of constant inside-ness. Then we watched a bit of Last Chance Kitchen for Top Chef and then Esteban went off to play his game and I sat on the couch and watched Outlander until I realized that I had two loads of laundry sitting on the bed and I could watch it in there while I folded laundry. Then I just gave up and went to bed, which was, to be honest, the right idea, because I’ve been struggling with the line of demarcation for bedtime. When you never go anywhere or do anything, 在家里如何免费使用中国知网? - · 青年之声网友_68615 一、校园网登录知网可免费下载先说知网吧。如果你还在学校里,可伍办校园网,然后登录知网,下载论文是免费的。因为登陆知网显示的是学校的IP,而每年学校都会给知网一些论文期刊交钱买版权,交的学费里应该含有这个版权费。? If you’re tired all the time because everything is traumatic, how do you decide when you’re tired enough for bed? It’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma, soaking in a pandemic marinade.

This morning, we woke up early and got a jump on our plans before the heat of the day set in — a quick run to Costco to get gas in the truck, and then headed to campus to clean out my office there.

Being back on campus after two months felt wrong and apocalyptic — set into effect already by crossing the Las Vegas strip which is barren and all of the neon signs are black with white lettering reminding us Stay Strong and Be Safe and also, a tribute to Roy Horn, who passed away yesterday from COVID. I had been through the Strip a few times since the Shelter in Place was in effect, but today many restrictions were lifted commercially, so I expected to see more people out and about. Nope — not really, and campus itself was as empty as it ever has been. We drove the truck onto the pedestrian paths and parked it right outside the door to the literature building to make everything easier, and then realized that I also had to clear all of my electronic baggage from my computer there too, so the entire thing was a longer process than I expected. We took my rolling suitcase, since I had a ton of books and files in there — and I had also forgotten about the ton of other stuff too, snacks and gifts from students, and two dog beds from Ole’s visits to campus, and also a forgotten unopened bottle of Diet Coke in the fridge (score!)

“VPNFilter”席卷全球 安全专家为防范最新恶意软件支招_央广网:2021-5-25 · 央广网上海5月25日消息(记者傅闻捷 韩晓余 通讯员杨文)5月23日晚,思科公司Talos团队发布预警称,一款名为“VPNFilter”的最新恶意软件正在全球蔓延,预估有54个国家遭入侵,受感染设备的数量至少为 50 万台。

The building has been locked down since early March, but as a Fellow, I have a key that opens the outer doors. Aside from the emptiness, it felt like nothing had changed — the same video scrolls were still rolling on the flatscreens, the same “leave the lights on” lights were still on inside the Institute department where my main office resides. But there is evidence that time has moved on — Esteban pointed out the way that there is now a rust trail off the wheels on the golf carts that are usually parked and chained outside the back door to the building. And inside the back hallway, dead bugs by the dozens, moths, grasshoppers, things I tried not to look too closely at. This illusion that time is passing so slowly disappears and you understand how quickly things are moving while we bunker and hunker and shiver away from the spectacle of vp下载.

男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元,被判刑5年半 ...:2021-12-21 · 之后犯罪嫌疑人吴向洋利用“淘宝网”开设网店伍及在互联网开设“凡狗VPN”网站等方式向一般用户出租或销售VPN软件、VPN路由器硬件,交易数千次 ...

After we brought all of my stuff home and stowed it in my office, we went back out and grabbed the dry cleaning from the no-contact dry cleaner, and then picked up our grocery order from a lady wearing a mask who was so sweet and chatty. Kroger has been paying all of its employees a $2 an hour “hero pay” but it announced that it will cease doing so next week, despite the fact that at least four Kroger employees have died from COVID, contracting it while working in the stores, despite the fact that they are putting themselves in harm’s way as essential workforce this entire time, so that people who are high risk like me can benefit from their services. Then we came home, unloaded our groceries, and then I wrote an email to Kroger asking them to pay their staff a living wage with full benefits and no medical co-pays to compensate them for this incredible service they provide at the risk of their own bodies and lives. How is two dollars an hour too much for this? How was it only two dollars in the first place? How are they no longer “heroes” because some other people decided that we’re not going to be afraid of a virus anymore?

My hair stylist texted me while I was writing the email — during the shut down, she lost her studio because she couldn’t cover the rent. Now that the governor has lifted restrictions for hair stylists, she was wondering if she could come to my house and perform services there. When all of this started, I had texted her and asked if I could prepay for services — she turned me down, and now I want to scream at her for being noble when she clearly had needed the money back then. Granted, my monthly hair services alone probably weren’t even a dent in her rent payment, but maybe it would have helped? She offered to wear a mask and a shield and I would also wear a mask, and she would do my hair in the house with a portable sink.

苹果CEO回应在华下架VPN:政策执行力度增强,苹果守法 ...:2021-8-2 · 8月2日,在苹果财报发布后的电话费上,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克回应了苹果应用商店中国区将VPN(VirtualPrivateNetwork)应用下架的事件:受到中国相关法律 ...

She’s going to whip up a DIY color option for me and leave it at the door — I asked her to charge at least what she normally would plus a delivery fee, which is only fair considering how much of an additional service it would be. She seems open to this, but I can tell from her tone that she is worried that other customers may have the same concerns but just have moved to drugstore box color instead.

March seemed to move so slowly and then April flew by at record speed. I was talking with Esteban a few days ago about how it feels so much like the time “we” were in the hospital, the way that you start to acclimate to the new normal, figure out a routine, tell yourself little stories to keep yourself distracted. There was a cold shock when we finally got released from the hospital after 44 days and the physical residue took months and years to unravel, maybe still unraveling now.

赶快卸载!这些APP上了工信部“黑名单”_新民社会_新民网 ...:2021-7-31 · 网络配图 7月31日,工信部公布了2021年二季度检测发现问题的应用软件名单。其中包括酷派应用商店的“天天捕鱼”、中兴应用商店的“别踩白块 ...

fotiaoqiang 官网

Yesterday was a surprisingly busy day and I uncharacteristically slept late (9 am!) which of course was far too hot to bring the doggoes for their morning walkabouts. Anything over 75 degrees is really too warm for these smush faces to exercise in, even while wearing their auxiliary cooling vests under their harnesses. Which was fine, honestly, because I also had to teach my last class of the semester (and also the last of my graduate fellowship — damn) and I had some prep work to get done before the class zoom opened at 11:30 am.

Class was stellar and somewhat chaotic — I tried something new with the class which was breaking them into small groups to workshop their flash fiction stories. Because everything in my class is essentially “Do it if you feel like it” in response to the state of the world, only eight of the sixteen students submitted work. I had figured fifteen minutes of discussion for each workshop piece (augmented by the opening remarks they had already done on the discussion boards ahead of the workshop), and with eight pieces and an hour to talk about them, it worked out best to split the class in half and do four and four. In theory, that meant eight students per workshop, but in actuality, with several students just unable to attend right now for a variety of reasons, it worked out to more like six and six. I had assigned their groups based on whose work was being discussed, who typically shows up in Post Quarantine Life and who is a really robust contributor.

I had devised a way to break the class into small groups with technology — Zoom won’t let you have two meetings at once, but I set up a Google Meet and posted the link in the chat window and sent one group over there. The idea was that I would be on camera and on mute in both groups but they would lead their own workshop. Thankfully I had two students with really solid leadership skills in both groups (and every one of these authors are super interested and invested) to manage it. What I didn’t consider fully was that while I could mute myself on both calls, I couldn’t mute one call while still hearing another call, so I couldn’t pop back and forth between the windows, I could just endure two, three and sometimes four people talking at once. I kept idiotically removing one ear bud as though the sound from one group was coming from the left side and the sound from the other group was on the right side — that obviously didn’t work, and yet, I kept finding myself doing it. I don’t know, it did seem to help, the same way that it helps to turn down the car radio when you’re trying to figure out where you are.

We have one more get together next week, during our finals talk, where we will clear up some loose ends, listen to each other perform their work (and I might even read one of my pieces), and do pet show and tell.

After that, I did some work on my freelance project for Tech Giant Website. It was weird to be back in the groove, thinking about deliverables and measurable qualifiers after three years out of the game. In some ways, it was like remembering how to speak a language you haven’t heard in years. I can imagine this three years feeling like a dream if I dive wholeheartedly back into tech journalism — did it even happen, was I ever here? It’s also amazing how much bravado I have about this subject, and perhaps that speaks to the culture of tech itself — it response to confidence and bullshit. But also, I guess it comes down to the fact that I a) know I can deliver what I promise, even if I have to bleed for it and b) I actually don’t care very much about the project as a whole, so it somehow removes my own internal anxiety and fear of failure from the equation.

Imagine how much we could get done if we didn’t care if we failed? Sometimes I think that’s the secret to some of the tech bros — they’ve been praised so much for the infinitesimal successes their whole lives and have gotten so accustomed to absorbing the successes of others as their own success that it doesn’t even faze them if they fall flat on their faces.

Man, writing that out makes me realize how much a driving force in my life has been the avoidance of shame.

Once I got that Tech Giant proposal done, I researched a few agents, sent out a query, and then hopped onto a quick video kibitz with my bestie Michael. I jumped off that chat to grab dinner that Esteban had whipped up — pollock, steamed lemon asparagus and Brazilian tapioca cheese bread puffs — and then after dinner had another call with my gaggle of Las Vegas lady friends that we call The Coven. That was delightful and we made many eggplant and taco jokes, but after about 90 minutes, I felt the last of my social spoons, made my adieus, and had some quiet time reading for the rest of the evening, followed by a deep dive in YouTube looking for songs I loved in the 90s, until it was 11:30 pm and I realized that the latte I had during my 11:30 am class was biting me in the ass, so I tucked the dogs for their last potty break of the night and then went off to bed.

We did spot another house that came on the market yesterday, one we’re both quasi excited about. Unfortunately, our minions in Green Bay can’t get in to walk around it until Monday, and given the current swing of the housing market, it might be snapped up quickly, so we’ll see. It’s an imperfect house, to be honest — it lacks a lot of the things that we loved about our last house, like a wooded lot with lots of property, and a four season sun room, or even a third stall in the garage, but it is pinging pretty hard, so I’m trying to keep my emotional distance from it and recognizing how much of my excitement is probably linked to my desire to GTFO of Vegas.

Despite that desire to leave, the state of Nevada is lifting a bunch of COVID restrictions tomorrow, but your Intrepid Girl Reporter is still staying the fuck home, thank you very much. And if you can, you should too.

fotiaoqiang 官网

I had a wonderful chat with my LV bestie Lindsay today. We turned over various plottings for Life After All This, and came up with a way to revolutionize the literary community and galvanize it in a way that solves the problem of both publishers and the adrift independent writers. The problem is that I absolutely could put my brain toward fixing that problem — the issue is that turning the million dials and levers to fix the problem will take all of my brain resources and I have begun to feel selfish about my remaining days left on this planet. I’m not entirely passionate about fixing the ills of the literary community, to be frank. I’m more passionate about working with individual writers and readers.

提供VPN“翻墙”服务牟利,一犯罪嫌疑人被杭州检方批捕 ...:2021-11-1 · 10月31日,浙江省杭州市拱墅区检察院微信公众号“拱墅检察”发布消息称,10月30日,拱墅区检察院伍涉嫌提供侵入、非法控制计算机信息系统程序 ...

A four-year university in Northeastern Wisconsin announced this week that this semester is its last. They let both faculty and the students know during finals week — some students received the email as they were seated to take their final exams. Faculty found out that they don’t have a job in a few short weeks, some a little longer, but everyone will be done by August. Students found out that they suddenly need to find a new school to attend in three months, and oh yeah, most places only accept transfer students in fall, so get moving on those applications.

The university where I taught in Wisconsin has vowed to pick up some of the gap for those impacted — but for me, that means less opportunities too. When I left for Las Vegas, the English Department chair made noises about people in the creative writing team nearing retirement. There was a serious hint that he wanted to talk once I had doctorate in hand. It would have been nice, but also, it’s a solid hour’s drive from Green Bay and the roads were pretty shitty for half of that drive.

So we zig zag once more.

Today was a rare day when I didn’t really have anything specific going on — I didn’t have to teach nor attend a class, and my dissertation edits are more or less done now that the defense is over — so I focused on writing business stuff, researching agents and finishing up the formatting questions to the graduate college for my dissertation.

It hit 100 degrees in the Valley today and it definitely felt hot. I woke up and roused myself fairly early so that I could take a shower, get dressed and take the dogs for a walk before the sun had much of a chance to heat the place up. Avi needs to lose weight — she’s gained two pounds in three months, so hence the short walks. Also today I started her on her diet food, and brought Ole outside to eat his while I finished some correspondence for the Dearest Confinement Friend project and drink my healthy cherry/spinach smoothie, which was pleasant. I spotted the yard lizard again, which is now the highlight of my mornings.

The star jasmine is blooming in our little courtyard leading into the front door, so I’ve been enjoying the heady fragrance so much. It’s particularly intense right now in the heat, which will unfortunately cause the blossoms to fade fast, so I’m like a smell junkie every time I go in or out the front door. Tonight, Esteban and I spent some time in the front yard trying to spot the StarLink satellites as they were passing over the house, while talking about our future plans as well, and whether right now is worse or better than the night and week after the 2016 election. I personally think it’s worse because people are actually dying due to the fears we all had, while he thinks it’s better because this is a known enemy and he doesn’t physically feel like he needs to vomit. Probably not the conversations that the sailors of old had while steering their courses, zig zagging across the oceans, but not much far off, I suppose.

iPhone 22个隐藏技巧:都知道算你赢!--千龙网·中国首都网:关闭红色小气泡 相信不少使用iPhone的用户,早就对图标上冒出来的一个个消息通知红色小气泡不满了,“强迫症患者”更是焦心不已。 那么怎么才能关闭它呢?

fotiaoqiang 官网

My students are so amazing, every single day they just stun and humble me to the depths of my soul and I can’t believe how lucky I have been to get to talk to them as my “work” (it’s not work).

Today, was part two of my informal “here’s the truth about publishing” talk — the first day was all about how to submit to literary journals, because that’s what I know the best, but then on the second day, I opened it up to writing nonfiction stuff (which I also know a lot about but that’s not the point of a fiction workshop) and writing and submitting novels. And before I got started, I asked whether they wanted to get together during finals week, which is next week. Originally I hadn’t scheduled a class during finals week because typically I’m losing my mind that week, the students are frazzled and need some time to decompress, and also, I really thought we’d have people in town for graduation and also be really busy packing to relocate back to Wisconsin.

Plans. Such hubris.

So I asked them how they wanted to do things — we could just have this week be the last week of class or we could definitely meet one more time next week during our assigned finals slot. Many of them have other classes with real finals so we really couldn’t just declare a four hour Zoom party without excluding them — we were stuck in the weird timeslot that the university reserves based on when your class meets usually.

And one student piped up and said “What I care about most is that I have taken so many workshops, here and also through other organizations, and this is the best workshop by far. I want it to keep going as long as possible and is there a way we can keep doing class over the summer?” And in my Zoom account, I watched all of their earnest faces nod eagerly.

My heart!

The challenge will be not actually crying during our final official class.

I had a bit of a down brain over the last several days. Most of my frustration is around the housing market and also the fear of the pandemic in the pressure of “reopening the country.”

I kept thinking about the phrase “head shock” and how you can boil a frog to death by simply increasing the heat a little bit at a time. I kept doom scrolling. I’m using past tense as though these things aren’t going to continue happening, but let’s be real — they will.

工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规伋业和个人不受 ...:2021-7-25 · 张峰表示,不单单是经营互联网的专线,包括VPN,就是从事基础电信业务,也包括增值电信业务,都需获得政府的有关批复,从中华人民共和国电信 ...

I ordered stamps from the USPS about a month ago and I was weirdly really looking forward to them. Gwen Ifill! Muppets! Dragons! I got an email finally saying they were shipping in early April, so I thought it would arrive soon.

And it didn’t.

And it didn’t some more.

And then Esteban got the mail one day and I was sure that he must have thrown out my stamps accidentally so then I had to dig in the recycling bin but I didn’t see them and the bin was pretty empty so it was hard to get in there, plus dirty and gross, so I didn’t keep digging but then what if they were actually there? What if I had missed them?

iPhone 22个隐藏技巧:都知道算你赢!--千龙网·中国首都网:关闭红色小气泡 相信不少使用iPhone的用户,早就对图标上冒出来的一个个消息通知红色小气泡不满了,“强迫症患者”更是焦心不已。 那么怎么才能关闭它呢?

But the thing that finally broke me last night is this: I love sumo oranges. Like, LOVE them love them. I literally start checking out Whole Foods in November and December, since Whole Foods is the first place they show up and I want to have as many sumo oranges for as long as I possibly can before they’re gone. They’re only around for a few months and the season is almost over, but our grocery stores kept stocking them, so I keep ordering them in our pick up order.

So when I ordered five sumo oranges, it was with a hope that they’d still have a few in stock. At two bucks an orange, it’s a little luxury that I allow myself once a week, and I figure that I’m not going to Starbucks at all right now, so this is a cheap replacement for so many overpriced lattes.

So last night, I broke into the new batch of oranges and then noticed — fuck. There was one sumo orange and four Not!Sumo oranges in there. Our grocery store hasn’t been the greatest with picking things for our order — we get “whoopsies” a lot. Of course, sumo oranges are probably the most expensive orange, so not only did they rob me of my happiest snack, but they then overcharged me for bullshit generic oranges. Grumbling, I took two of the Not!Sumos to the cutting board to prep an afternoon snack before workshop and AAAAAAAAAH the Not!Sumos were the worst thing ever — Blood oranges. To me, blood oranges taste so sour that they might as well be grapefruit. I was screwed out of my afternoon snack so I went to workshop and just pouted for the first half of workshop. Then I checked Amazon Fresh and they had sumos, so I whipped up a super quick order full of some random bullshit to justify the order, tipped the delivery person ten bucks and set it to arrive between 9-11 pm that night, which was the only time slot available.

It was impetuous and stupid and while I’m weirdly embarrassed about having the minor (completely internal) temper tantrum, it also felt very empowering to correct the problem right then. Because otherwise it would have nagged and niggled and eaten at my brain, just like the stamps order, until it got totally blown out of proportion.

And the only person who suffers is me.

Mischief managed.

And these sumos are still worth every penny.


I come from a long line of alcoholics. When I was a kid, I swore I would never drink — mostly to hold something against the adults who were constantly assuring me that drinking to excess was a fine adult hobby but also because I saw exactly how those adults had personalities that morphed. Some of them became more loving and more expressive, but some — particularly some in very immediate proximity to Little Bix — became angry and hostile, frequently violent. Both of these extremes were scary. In some book or another, I had read the phrase In Vino Veritas, with the explanation that a drunk person will say the thing that they only think sober. So many of those truths came out, so many that were terrifying and scarring.

I still have an unreasonable aversion to beer breath to this day. It was a warning sign, often the first notice that things were about to get out of control. I learned to disappear, even if I was still in the room, shrink down and go hollow and quiet, their laughs echoing inside my skull.

I can’t even begin to imagine how many parties I “escaped” from by inventing stories with my Fisher-Price Little People. It was self-contained fun — I often tucked myself somewhere visibly blocked from the people drinking, maybe behind a recliner in the corner. If their gaze rested on me, if I drew attention to myself, it was rarely positive, but if I could just weather the hours, outlast them, things would be fine. Eventually we would end up home, through some divine intervention almost always guided by a drunk driver and yet, the car accidents were never while I was in the car.

I’ve never been an extreme drinker. I enjoy wine. I appreciate a cocktail. I love Malibu and Diet Coke like I’m fifteen and sneaking drinks behind the lifeguard shack. I like that feeling of light, almost giddiness that you get, the warm flush sip of bourbon on a cold day, the quenchy tang of an ice cold sauvignon blanc under the stars on a warm evening. The fact that there are vodka ice pops now delights me.

And here’s the thing — while I enjoy all of the fun social coolness of drinking, I don’t enjoy any of the after effects. Most alcohol makes my rosacea flair up like crazy for days afterward (likely due to my insulin resistance/PCOS and the blood sugar spike that comes from drinking alcohol. My rosacea also flairs when I eat too many carbs). I also feel like I’ve been hit by a truck the next day even if I drink in moderation. I rarely drink more than two drinks in a single day anymore for that reason, and then I have to ask myself — if it’s not enough to actually get tipsy and I don’t want the calories and the carbs, why not just drink water or diet soda?

In December and January, I was plagued by persistent migraines. We had chalked it up to stress since I was deep in the study for my comprehensive exams, but I had already slowed way down on my alcohol consumption at that point because I didn’t want to do anything that might tip a partial headache into a real honest debilitating one. In February, I finished my comps but I decided to just not drink, but I didn’t tell Esteban because I didn’t want him to feel like I was becoming a Carry Nation or judging his post-dinner dram of scotch. If he asked, I mentioned my concerns about my health and the headaches and it wasn’t, like, a thing.

Some friends I really respect and adore have for various reasons stopped drinking alcohol completely. Typically when I’m out with them, I try to show solidarity to their choices and opt for non-alcoholic beverages — not making it a big thing but also, it’s a relief. You start to notice a little bit of how much alcohol consumption really is so that you’re showing companionship to the person or people you’re with rather than actually desiring alcohol. (“I’ll have one if you’re having one” is a strange social contract when you think about it — why should you need someone to drink with? Is it to make it okay? Why can’t it just be okay by itself?)

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So I just decided to make it real and see how long I could go without any alcohol. Saturday, March 7th was the last social occasion I attended before we decided to stop leaving the house and exposing ourselves to potential viral infection. I was already thinking about reducing our wine cellar in preparation to move back to Wisconsin, so I had brought a few bottles of wine and my bestie Marycourtney — who used to be a wine rep and has exquisite taste and an amazing wine cellar — had brought a few bottles as well. I was driving both of us to the event, so I had roughly a single glass over a period of five hours, mostly just half ounce and one ounce pours when a new bottle was opened for a taste. And I reliably felt like shit the next day despite being so judicious about the amounts, which pretty much cemented my resolve to abstain going forward.

I guess I’m pleased that I haven’t really cared one way or the other, so any niggling worry that I had about a hidden alcohol reliance is absolutely gone. But also, we’re not socializing because of All This, so it was an incredibly easy thing for me to put aside. It feels a little like a cheat, like someone giving up peanut butter for Lent when they were already allergic to peanuts. I mean, I loathe the taste of beer and even the spirits that I do drink are things that I can tolerate rather than find actually delicious. I had to teach myself to appreciate wine, for instance.

But maybe in this weird time, it’s not bad to reacquaint yourself to the things you are in denial about. It’s one of the worst life hacks that no one can lie to you better than you can.

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